I had a hard time with this book; it showed up in the TED book club mailing
months ago, and I went into my reading primed to love the message, which is
concise and persuasive... but maybe so persuasive on its own that the book feels
like 300 pages of
Book: On Having No Head
What a strange, fantastic little book! I recently read Douglas Harding's "On
Having No Head [https://amzn.to/2S27MKC]" after hearing Sam Harris mention the
book in one of "Waking Up [https://share.wakingup.com/c6d08d5fe8f4]"
meditations, and then many times on subsequent podcasts.
Book: The Second Kind of Impossible
I spent a while this summer reading math books and popular science, trying to
figure out what a life in "research" might look like; in late Spring I began to
sense that it was time to wake up my brain and start thinking again, and the
best way
Book: The Measure of a Mountain
Last Spring, while preparing for my attempt on the Rainier Infinity Loop, I
bought two books on Mt Rainier... and failed to read either of them. My invite
to that adventure had come out of nowhere; I knew nothing about the park, the
area, the mountain or its history, and