I've been doing a lot of work in Clojurescript
[https://github.com/littleredcomputer/sicmutils] lately, and the time finally
came to pull in my first vanilla Javascript dependency
[https://github.com/infusion/Complex.js/]. The default way to do this seems to
be the CLJSJS project [http://cljsjs.
Cascalog + Hadoop Counters, Finally!
I've just merged a Cascalog pull request of mine
[https://github.com/nathanmarz/cascalog/pull/270] that gives Cascalog operations
access to the statistics that Cascading generates at the end of each job. I've
also added global inc! and inc-by! functions that let you increment custom
Cascalog 2.0 In Depth
Cascalog 2.0 has been out for over a year now, and outside of a post to the
mailing list
[https://groups.google.com/d/topic/cascalog-user/F8EkFM7HiE0/discussion] and a
talk at Clojure/Conj 2013 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DuuJW3EaN_3Q] (
slides here
Hardcore Cascalog: Dynamic Queries
A little side note before I get started - pivoting from my last post on ski
mountaineering racing [http://www.samritchie.io/skimo-racing/] to this post on
advanced Cascalog [https://github.com/nathanmarz/cascalog] patterns has made me
realize that I'm a full-fledged connoisseur of the esoteric. I&
API Authentication with Liberator and Friend
I've just finished rewriting a number of PaddleGuru [https://paddleguru.com]'s
internal APIs using two great open-source libraries; Liberator
[http://clojure-liberator.github.io/liberator/] and Friend
[https://github.com/cemerick/friend]. Liberator is a library for writing RESTful
resources in Clojure. Friend is an authorization and
Cascalog Testing 2.0
A few months ago I announced Midje-Cascalog
[http://sritchie.github.com/2011/09/30/testing-cascalog-with-midje.html], my
layer of Midje testing macros over the Cascalog MapReduce DSL. These allow you
to write tests for your Cascalog jobs in a style that mimics Cascalog's own
query execution syntax. In
Introducing Cascalog-Contrib
I've had the pleasure of working with Cascalog
[https://github.com/nathanmarz/cascalog] for about ten months now, and have seen
the community produce some fantastic work. A number of businesses
[https://www.assembla.com/spaces/cascalog/wiki/Who's_using_Cascalog] are using
Cascalog in production;
Testing Cascalog with Midje
I've been working on a Cascalog testing suite these past few weeks, an extension
to Brian Marick's Midje [https://github.com/marick/Midje], that eases much of
the pain of testing MapReduce workflows. I think a lot of the dull work we see
in the Hadoop
Cascalog 1.8.1 Released
Nathan Marz [http://nathanmarz.com/] and I are releasing Cascalog 1.8.1 today!
We've added a few interesting features, and I thought I'd provide a bit more
detail here for anyone interested.
Cross Join
cascalog.api now includes support for cross-joins