How to Publish CLJSJS Jars to Clojars

I've been doing a lot of work in Clojurescript lately, and the time finally came to pull in my first vanilla Javascript dependency. The default way to do this seems to be the CLJSJS project.

CLJSJS publishes many Javascript packages in a form that you can consume from a Clojure project. For projects like React, you'll find the latest versions of the JS libraries, packaged up and ready to go. For less active libraries like bignumber.js you might have to go bump a version and open up a pull request against CLJSJS's packages repository... or maybe package and add the library from scratch, as I did recently with Complex.js.

I have to say that this was a complete pain. I'll eventually write a guide describing what I had to do to upgrade or add six JS libraries, since this was not easy and I know it's blocking other people.

For now, I want to describe the steps I had to take to publish a namespaces version of cljsjs/complex to Clojars, so that I could start using it immediately without waiting for the maybe-weeks-long turnaround time of a new CLJSJS release.

Publishing to Clojars is the place of record for all Clojure dependencies. It's the easiest way I know of to get a library published for consumption in other projects.

The goal here is to publish a CLJSJS library that you'll eventually depend on like this:

[cljsjs/complex "2.0.11-0"]

With a prefix, so that you can use it today, like this:

[org.clojars.sritchie09/complex "2.0.11-0"]

(The prefixing is important because you can't publish with the cljsjs prefix unless you're authorized by the CLJSJS maintainers.)

Clojars Account + Deploy Token

You'll publish the new dependency to Clojars. Head to and make an account.

Click on "Deploy Tokens" page at the top right:

Follow the instructions and make a token (the name doesn't matter). It will appear on the screen looking something like CLOJARS_1313123123 . Save it (and your Clojars username) by adding two entries like this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

export CLOJARS_USER=sritchie09
export CLOJARS_PASS=CLOJARS_1313123123
  • Run source ~/.bashrc to pick up the new environment variables.

Check out CLJSJS

The CLJSJS packages live in this repository. Get it onto your machine by running this command in some directory:

git clone && cd packages

Now find the dependency you want to release. If you're doing this, you're probably living on a git branch, like I was for the Complex.js pull request. Check out the branch:

git checkout sritchie/complex_dep2

Each JS library has its own folder with a build.boot file in it. Open up, for example, complex/build.boot and locate the entry that looks like this:

 push {:ensure-clean false}
 pom  {:project     'cljsjs/complex
       :version     +version+
       :description "A well tested JavaScript library to work with complex number arithmetic in JavaScript."
       :url         ""
       :license     {"MIT" ""}
       :scm         {:url ""}})

Change the value referenced by :project from 'cljsjs/complex to 'org.clojars.YOUR_CLOJARS_USERNAME/complex. This was org.clojars.sritchie09/complex, in my case.


We're so close.

The latest version of Boot won't let you deploy to Clojars (dependency problem!). You can force yourself back to a working version by creating a file called in the packages directory with these contents:


Finally, run this command in the subfolder containing the dependency you want to release. complex, in this case:

boot package push --ensure-release --repo clojars \
--repo-map "{:url \"\" :username \"$CLOJARS_USER\" :password \"$CLOJARS_PASS\"}"

If you've set the environment variables correctly, you should see output ending with this:

Writing pom.xml and
Writing complex-2.0.11-0.jar...
Checksums match
Deploying complex-2.0.11-0.jar...
Sending complex-2.0.11-0.jar to (13k)
Sending complex-2.0.11-0.pom to (1k)
Sending maven-metadata.xml to (1k)

That's it! Your dependency will now be live at a URL like, and you'll be able to include it as a dependency using any of the forms that Clojars displays on that page. For example:

[org.clojars.sritchie09/complex "2.0.11-0"]

Hopefully this has saved you some trouble. Enjoy!


If you see output like this:

clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact org.clojars.sritchie09:complex:jar:2.0.11-0 from/to clojars ( Failed to transfer file: Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized.

Make sure that you've properly set the environment variables $CLOJARS_USER and $CLOJARS_PASS.